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The peak season such as Tet is always an obsession of manufacturing, processing and exporting factories. The biggest pain is how to have enough output and keep up with the schedule of Tet export. Lean Method – Lean Manufacturing will help you to solve this problem completely and sustainable.

What is productivity and how does it measure productivity?

Productivity in production is measured by the number of outputs divided by the number of inputs of a product, process, or stage. For example, productivity in the manufacturing industry is usually taken in units of products / person / hour, ie how many products are produced per hour.

The use of this unit of product productivity per person per hour has the weakness of not comparing the correlation between two or more types of products with different levels of difficulty or processes. This is usually solved by multiplying the difficulty factor by the factory itself or negotiating with the customer. In some industries, the standard time method can be used to compare different products. The standard time is obtained by time study (time study) or predetermined movement time (in labor-intensive industries such as apparel and footwear).

Find the cause of your productivity failure, schedule with a fishbone diagram:

Why do we always encounter difficulties in productivity, output and delivery schedule in the peak season? We can use the herringbone diagram to find out the cause of these phenomena to solve the problem:

The Fishbone diagram is also known as the Problem-Cause chart, in this case the problem (fish head) is Productivity and progress are not achieved during the peak season, the causes are categorized. The science is as follows:

Man: factors related to people such as knowledge, skills, qualifications, attitudes, health, psychology and emotions.

  Machine: Machinery, tools.

  Method: method, process, system

  Material: input materials, semi-finished products.

  Management: regulations.

  Environment: Environment and working conditions.

  Information: information about product code, quality requirements, delivery time.


With a scientific way of dividing the causes and showing the fishbone diagram, every member of the business understands the factors that can affect the failure to produce enough output and progress.

The problem, as insects have in common, is repetitive if not addressed.

During more than a decade of deploying and consulting more than 50 Lean Manufacturing factories, I often observed many repetitive problems in each of the following groups:

  People: the most common problem is attitude and a sense of labor. Common reasons when implementing new regulations do not fully explain for workers. The goal is for employees to understand and be aware of the importance of their work to customer satisfaction and business survival. The lesson of blood that Japanese businesses have learned in decades of operation in Vietnam is to explain a lot. The amount of explanation and persuasion for Vietnamese workers to perform 3 times that of Japanese workers, but once understood, Vietnamese workers even do better.

Machine: the most common is that the machinery is often damaged, and if it is repaired, it will also fail in a short time. The cause of the broken machinery is due to the maintenance and maintenance of the machine are not taken seriously. Another common problem is the long time to convert production from one item to another, causing loss of productivity during the conversion process. The solution to reducing this conversion time is with fast conversion operations.

Materials: the most common problem of raw materials leading to reduced productivity and not being on schedule is often due to lack of uniformity. If a product needs 10 parts, just one part is missing, or it is defective, resulting in the final product can not be completed and delivered to the customer.

Method: The most common problem in Vietnamese businesses is that there is no good process and standardization of work to guide and ensure workers get it right and the fastest. Many times, the process is too old and almost no longer suitable for machines and practices, as well as the current product the factory is manufacturing. Poor production plans and unbalanced production are also the reasons for the loss of productivity, output and progress.

Management: regulations, current management is good enough and stimulate employees to do best? A key reason is that the salary structure is not enough to stimulate employees to stick and do their best to produce output and keep pace. A common problem is poor skills of the workers, leading to under performing, not to mention making defective products that must be repaired or canceled. The mechanism also plays an important role in individuals and stages working together to create overall productivity, not strong everyone makes to pay for individual products.

Are the Environment and working conditions appropriate for high productivity? I often find working conditions affecting the psychology and concentration of workers such as: too hot, too dusty, too noisy. In the actual implementation process, when working conditions are too poor, improving working conditions helps workers to be more comfortable and focused, resulting in increased productivity and quality. But when the working conditions exceed a certain level, the quality of productivity does not increase. You should consider to find the optimal point between the increased investment costs of working conditions and the benefits from the improvement.

Information: Information about product code, quality requirements, delivery time accurate? If there is a change in the production plan or a problem in any part such as damaged machinery, power cut schedule, changes in goods requirements are updated promptly for the right people?

Technology: which products do we use which technology is suitable? I often see businesses wasting a great deal without optimizing their current production lines, machinery and staff, and investing in high automated chains. Some points to note before investing in new lines and machinery: 1) The problem we are really encountering, please review carefully the above points. 2) Is this new line compatible with existing machines and facilities? 3) Is your company’s output and output consistent with this new production line? Is there a capacity surplus? Is the output sufficient to make this change worthwhile? 4) What is the payback period? 5) Are production lines or automated machines flexible enough to change product categories? How long does it take to convert a product SKU? Is there any additional equipment or investment needed?

The process of discussing and prioritizing which issues are urgent

After having an overall picture of the factors that can affect productivity and peak season progress, members of the business sit down to discuss which issues are most pressing. Each industry, every business, every product line and even every stage will encounter different problems, none of which is the same. So depending on the situation, based on the actual situation of resources as well as the ability to solve problems (there are problems outside the solvency of the enterprise, it is possible to record and find a new suitable time. deal) to prioritize handling first.

Note that if you solve a problem, you should localize it to focus resources well. Constantly monitor and adjust for at least the next 6 months to 1 year to ensure that the proposed solutions are reasonable, optimal and become a habit and then jump to other issues. The common mistake in businesses is to do half-heartedly, then look back at the problem over and over.

Above are the temporary solutions to improve productivity, production and progress are not achieved, but to solve the root as well as improve the management, the manufacturing enterprises need a synchronized system. Lean Manufacturing – Lean Manufacturing is a method, philosophy of modern production management and has been popular worldwide for over 80 years because of its efficiency, practicality and simplicity, ease of application.

You can refer to other articles about lean manufacturing at to apply it yourself. However, with my experience, the first steps of the application process often require the knowledge and experience of professional advisers. If you need assistance in the fastest time, do not be afraid to leave information in the contact with OPEX I am always willing to share my insights and practical experiences around the topic of Lean Manufacturing.

Lean Manufacturing can help your business to improve overall productivity, quality, delivery schedules, thereby reducing costs, while enhancing the capacity of the entire business through radical solutions. to and to the root. If not now, when should businesses apply? I’m afraid that by the time you decide, you’re one step behind the market!

OPEX Consulting – Operational Excellence Your Business.


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